Saturday, April 4, 2009

Final Project for Unified Robotics III

So yes, this is a repost from my older blog, but I wanted to preserve this in the new blog. On top of that, I think it's still cool. A little bit of background this assumes you know - I am (for now) a student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) going for Robotics Engineering (RBE). There are four primary robotics courses for RBE - the Unified Robotics courses, I through IV. The following is a post about the final project for Unified Robotics III:


Not only a demonstration of my lack of video editing skills (the false start, sorry about that), but also the demonstration of the final one week project for Unified Robotics (RBE3001) at WPI. The robot arm must detect and localize the block while it is moving on the conveyor belt, determine the inverse kinematics to move the arm into the right position, and then pluck up the block. Once it lifts the block, it determines which of two possible weights the block is, and then drops the block into the correct bin.

Development was done on an AVR Atmega644p with custom control board for the robot arm. The arm itself is also custom to the class.

Lifting is done via an electro-magnet.

And a classmate's project:

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