Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fixed intermittent Internet on Beagleboard

So I've been suffering from a problem of intermittent Internet on the Beagleboard. It worked twice in it's history - just long enough to install LXDE and a VNC server for it (fyi, I'm hating the LXDE, at least for his application), and SSH so I can remote in easier. The problem was that Internet otherwise refused to work.

The problem, it turns out, stemmed completely from something I did when setting up the SSH. One of the steps I garnered from some directions (and almost made it in the upcoming Beagleboard walkthrough) was to add this command to a startup script, enabling SSH on boot up.

route add gw default

This made my computer the default route gateway for connections, which in theory would allow the ssh to work. Well it turns out the ssh works without that line, and that the line was telling Linux that Internet connections go through the usb0, which is not how it works.

Currently I am looking into brctl (bridge-utils) in order to give the beagleboard internet via my Laptop's wifi (thus being able to bride it online anywhere my laptop goes), but it seems that wifi makes it a pain in the butt to do. Something to add to the to-do list I suppose.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Incoming Beagleboard...

As some of you may know, I am in the process of doing a write up on the Beagleboard - from deciding to buy one, to purchasing components, to getting Ubuntu 9.04 up and running. As of now, I have Ubuntu working on a 2 gig SD card with USB networking, VNC via LXDE, and SSH working on boot up. Cool! I am having trouble duplicating my efforts on a 4 gig card, and since I just got my 8 gig card in the mail, I'll be redoing it all on that card as well. I want to make sure I don't miss anything, so the write up is postponed until I confirm each step.

So far - I'm impressed and in love with this piece of hardware. But since I'm shy a DVI-D compatible monitor, I'm limited on what I can test immediately.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

STK500 is fried. I admit, I teared up a little.

Power surge- fried my STK500. The fuse is smoking any time I plug it in and switch it on. I'm shopping for a new fuse, but the markings were burned out. According to some helpful STK500 owners in the IRC chat #avr on the Freenode Network, the markings on the chip read ST label: C525, with an ST center top, ME in the middle, E at right top, and C525 center bottom. A quick search turns up (surprising, since I expected no hits) that the smoking bandit is a slow blow fuse, rated for 24V (makes sense since the power plug is rated 10-15 V) @ 6 Amps.

6 Amps?! How the hell did I blow this thing!?

Anyway, I'm buying a new fuse - the 6A one and a similar 2A one (smallest I could find that was a slow blow @ 24 V). Let's hope this can resurrect one of the most useful tools in my arsenal.

EDIT: It appears that the broken component might be the chip next to it - a bridge rectifier. Easy fix. I ordered LadyAda's USBtinyISP since the STK500 can still be used as the best target board ever (for every AVR). I should have it next week. I'll still try to repair the board, of course - it's a backup plan.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

AVR to Ethernet

Not an uncommon project - I am trying to get an 8-bit AVR Atmega168 online. I'm using the notes found from others' previous projects to guide me. Ultimately I want to create a simple cut and paste module to be able to cheaply include internet capability to a number of other projects - more to come on those in the future.

Here's a quick pick of the ENC28J60 and Magjack (with Sparkfun breakout board to make my life easier.

Unfortunately I'm finding I overlooked ordering key components, so I'm not sure if I'll get it up and running by this weekend. I'll be working getting the basic, ping-able server up and running on AVR tonight . I'm hoping my cheap hacking around with the circuit will allow it to still work.

I also feel like a fool - I may have accidentally fried my STK500 (don't ask) and will be without an AVR programmer for awhile - particularly devestating since I'll be teaching a class on AVR programming in the near future.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

From the lessons of peers

FUBARLabs has twice a month a Python study group, where we teach other various tricks of the trade in Python and cover many of the all-too-cool Python modules out there. All skill levels are welcome, but those of us that regularly attend tend to be regular code monkeys. Here's some of the things we've covered (so you don't think I've been lazy - ha!):

Monday, November 9, 2009

AVR class and a Robocode Challenge

I've been quite busy. I've been volunteering BETA testing the new FIRST robotics controller and teaching high school students how to program their robots in Java. I've also been working heavily with people at FUBARlabs to help turn it into self sufficient hackerspace (easier said than done). I've also been helping FUBAR design some classes...