The point of the buffer is to allow a host to send a series of commands and let them back up, so that the slave (the ATTINY2313) can deal with the commands as it can. This works best in a one directional setup, where the majority of the information being processed is the master talking to the slave. I will confirm that this works fine for some robotic applications, however. In retrospect I should have used a different system, as that was a robot that mapped an area and returned a heavy amount of data - but it still worked.
In my example, it would wait for 3 bytesCode after the jump.
These files are without headers, etc. FunctionHeaders.h is just a collection of function prototypes.
int main(){
InitializeSerial(); sei(); DDRB = 0xFF; while(1){ //Don't do anything until we receive 3 items in our buffer. while(getBufferSize() < 3){}; //Release whatever built up in the buffer. while(isBufferEmpty() != 1) serialTx(readFromBuffer()); } }
volatile char commandBuffer[BUFFERSIZE]; volatile int bufferStepThrough = 0; volatile int bytesInBuffer = 0; /** \fn void InitializeSerial() * \brief Initializes the USART0. * \param void * \return void */ void InitializeSerial(void) { UBRRH = (unsigned char)(BAUD_CALC>>8);//Set baud rate UBRRL = (unsigned char)BAUD_CALC;//Set baud rate UCSRB = _BV(TXEN) | _BV(RXEN) | _BV(RXCIE); UCSRC = (1<<USBS)|(3<<UCSZ0);//Set frame format } /** \fn void serialTx( unsigned char output ) * \brief Transmits an individual byte over serial. * \param unsigned char output * \return void */ void serialTx( unsigned char output ) { while ( !( UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)) ){} UDR = output;//Sends data through buffer } /** \fn unsigned char serialRx() * \brief Receives an individual byte for serial and echoes it back. * \param void * \return unsigned char received */ unsigned char serialRx( void ) { char received = UDR; return received;//Get and return received data } /** \fn void serialTxString( char * str) * \brief Transmits a string, byte by byte, until it sees a null terminator. * \param char * str * \return void */ void serialTxString(char * str) { int i=0; while(str[i] != '\0') { serialTx(str[i++]); } PORTB ^= 0xFF; } /** \fn void addToBuffer(char newInput) * \brief Given a new element, add it to the end of the buffer * given we have not already filled it. If the buffer is full, * it will OVERWRITE THE RECENT COMMANDS, so BEWARE. * \param newInput - a new character byte to add. * \return void */ void addToBuffer(char newInput){ bufferStepThrough++; bytesInBuffer++; if(bufferStepThrough >= BUFFERSIZE) bufferStepThrough = 0; commandBuffer[bufferStepThrough] = newInput; } /** \fn char readFromBuffer(void) * \brief returns the most recent command in the buffer. * \param void * \return void */ char readFromBuffer(void){ while(bytesInBuffer == 0){}; //How can I get around needing this? char tmp = commandBuffer[bufferStepThrough]; if(bufferStepThrough == 0) bufferStepThrough = BUFFERSIZE - 1; else bufferStepThrough--; bytesInBuffer--; return tmp; } /** \fn char isBufferEmpty(void) * \brief returns 1 if the buffer is empty, 0 if not. * \param void * \return char */ char isBufferEmpty(void){ if(bytesInBuffer > 0) return 0; else return 1; } /** \fn char getBufferSize(void) * \brief returns the number of bytes in the buffer. * \param void * \return int */ int getBufferSize(void){ return bytesInBuffer; } /** \fn ISR(USART0_RX_vect) * \brief Handles serial receive interrupts. * \param void * \return void */ ISR(USART_RX_vect){ addToBuffer(UDR); //Add to buffer }
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